Unfortunately however, last night I found another lump on his rib cage. The vet had explained the biopsy to me thusly: the rate of growth (mitosis) of the lumps they removed could potentially give him about 4-5 years if left untreated. He's 7 now, so 4-5 years added to that is a sufficient life span for a dog his size. However, I've seen the way cancer effects people and animals alike, and I wonder what kind of quality of life he might have living with cancer. Dealing with the thought of losing him so soon is heart wrenching. Some difficult decisions are in our near future.

Also yesterday, my POS car decided it was going to start overheating. I was concerned that it would explode or something catastrophic when I was on my way home from picking up the girl from school. It's in the shop right now, and we're waiting to hear back from them. Consequently, I had to walk to the bus stop to pick up the boy and a friend of his. We're only a half mile from the bus stop, but it's a very hilly half mile. And it's far more difficult walking back up the hill. At least I got a fairly decent workout, though I think I pulled a calf muscle. We'll see how that plays out tonight at my belly dancing class.
In addition to those current events, my house is a disaster area. The clutter is almost too much to deal with. I'd like Jennie to come over and help me work on it, but I think for today, I'll just work on the kitchen. Baby steps. Hopefully that will give me a sense of accomplishment and maybe the rest of the fam can help me out. We'll see.
Anyway, it could be worse, and I know that. Right now though, I feel like I'm slipping and that's not good. *breathe* This too shall pass...
*photo: Empty Space by JR Blackwell