I digress. The subject of my first shiny new blog (also found in the title) is a brief review of the magnificent show I had the privilege of attending last eve: Jonathan Coulton and Paul & Storm at the Birchmere in Alexandria, VA. Here goes:
O.....M.....F......G......Z!!!!! The show was amazing! I laughed so hard!
There was a point during Paul and Storm's set where I shouted out "EDDIE PRAEGER!" (because The Ballad of Eddie Praeger is my favorite song of theirs). So Paul sez, "Eddie Praeger?" And I said, "Yeah! You didn't play it last time!" And he said, "OH, ok...... MOM!" And they totally played it! They're totally my bitches! (I know, I'm such a huge nerd!) Also, it's tradition to throw panties up on to the stage during their performance of Opening Band, and the pair we threw (with a $5 bill stuck on by a lovely P&S pin) wound up in Paul's pants. Hilarious!!
And of course, JoCo was awesome, and funny, and handsome! He played a few more of his new songs (not Beige Bear, though we gave him a beige bear anyway), but there were many classics as well. The encore included The First of May and...... wait for it.... Sweet Caroline! He had done that song as a joke the last time he was at the Birchmere and everyone on the rest of the tour started requesting it. It comes 'round full circle.
Seriously people, if you have the privilege of seeing JoCo (and hopefully Paul and Storm as well) in your town, DO IT!
it was awesome. it was MADE of awesome. i wanna go again! :-D
If I could hump that show furiously, I would. :)
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