Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Holy Crap! I'm a Geek!

I have officially crossed the line... I AM A GEEK. Not an ubergeek, but a geek nonetheless. I am a participant in an online RPG. For those non-geeks out there, RPG = Role Playing Game...

The scary thing is, I really really like it. I had attempted this level of geekery before. After all, I'm married to a geek, so it's par for the course. I could never wrap my head around the actual role playing aspect. But this time, perhaps because of the group involved, I'm really getting into it. So far, however, we've been gaming online, so this Saturday I'll find out if I have it in me to stick to my character in person. ;)

I'm very excited about the idea of this particular campaign. It's a dungeon crawl, which means we're all stuck in a dungeon (of course), and we go from room to room fighting enemies, making friends, and of late, getting our asses kicked. When our characters finally emerge (which could literally take years), they will be at level 20. That's a lot, y'all. Boffo.

I'm still trying to get a handle on the details like when to roll, what to roll, how to keep track of inventory and hit points, etc. Luckily, we have a seasoned and wise Dungeon Master™, so Jennie and I (aka, the noobs) are in good hands.

I'll update more as the map unfolds. *giggle-snort* Did I seriously just say that? *facepalm*


Me said...

Technically, sweetie, it's a pen-and-paper RPG (specifically Dungeons and Dragons 3.5E, and the World's Largest Dungeon setting) that we happen to be playing online. Saying online RPG makes the people think of something much more lame :-)

Talula the Two-Dollar-Hooker said...

Wow. Just.... wow.

Me said...

So... I'm the übergeek. it's okay. i'm fine with it :-)